26 September 2007

Cultural Event Blog :: updated list

I added 2 new possibilities but there are still only 6 things eligible for your blog
entry due Monday 30 September, 6pm.

You must spend at least ONE HOUR at one of the cultural happenings from the list.

You will write a DETAILED synopsis as well as a CRITICAL ANALYSIS, using the methods from your essays (NOTICE AND FOCUS, DEVELOPING AN IDEA, 10 ON 1).

PLAN AHEAD, as I will not accept any excuses for the fact that something came up at the last minute.

Thu 27 Sept, 4 pm
Phobia: Collecting in the History of Fear, Bird Library, Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (1st floor)
A lecture about fear in the U.S. and the Sacco and Venzetti mural at SU.

Sat 29 Sept: Central New York Anti-War Rally in Syracuse
1:00 - 2:00 PM Rally at the Everson plaza in downtown Syracuse
2:30 PM March begins to Syracuse University
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Rally at Syracuse University (music at 3:30 pm)
7:30 Evening Panel at Hendricks Chapel (Syracuse University)
Jimmy Massey: pro-soldier, anti-war activist, one of the founding members of Iraq
Veterans Against the War.
Dahlia Wasfi: spent her early childhood in Saddam Hussein's Iraq
Scott Ritter: a chief United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998

NEW ELIGIBLE ITEM: Faith Ringgold exhibit
Community Folk Art Center, Tue-Fri 10-5, Sat 11-5
Suggested admission is $5. But you can go for free.

NEW ELIGIBLE ITEM: SUNDAY September 30, 2PM, $8-10
Abolitionist's Amble - Onondaga Historical Association.
Take a walk through Syracuse 's abolitionist past including Jerry Rescue Monument

NEW ELIGIBLE ITEM: Write a letter to the editor of The Daily Orange about the Astria
Suparak situation at the Warehouse Gallery (this will also serve as the blog entry)

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