30 October 2007

week 10: Kwon and essay 3


Each option requires that you read pages 100-120 in Kwon for Monday's class. In this passage, she describes an exhibit called "Culture in Action" in Chicago that featured the following projects:
-Daniel Martinez, VinZula Kara, and the West Side Three-Point Marchers: Consequences of a Gesture and 100 Victories/10,000 Tears
-Simon Grennan and Christopher Sperandio and the Bakery, Confectionary and Tobacco Workers' International Union of America Local No. 552:
We Got It!
-Haha and Flood: A Volunteer Network for Active Participation in Healthcare:
-Inigo Manglano-Ovalle and Street-Level Video:
Tele Vecindario
-Mark Dion and the Chicago Urban Ecology Action Group:
The Chicago Urban Ecology Action Group
Kate Ericson, Mel Ziegler, and Ogden Court Apartments: Eminent Domain
Robert Peters and Mushroom Pickers, Ghosts, Frogs and other “Others“
: Naming Others: Manufacturing Yourself
I have purposefully not included Suzanne Lacey's Full Circle.

Choose one of these projects and do some brief research so that you have a better idea about it.
You may need to find an article in an art journal database or a book in the library. You will need to use an ART database, as you won't have much luck with the history or science databases we used for the last essay. HINT: Kwon also discusses these projects more in her text so you can look into them there.

Then choose a ONE SENTENCE QUOTE from the Kwon reading and use it as a lens for analysis of the project. Remember the strategies we have reviewed from the last Writing Analytically reading. How can you create a conversation between the quote and the project you have chosen?
Paraphrase the quote and, if appropriate, use your source to ask a question about the project.

Attend the Mary Jane Jacob lecture on Tuesday. TAKE NOTES! Write about it in your blog as it relates to a ONE SENTENCE QUOTE from the Kwon reading. You will still need to have the reading completed for Monday's class, but you will have until Thursday to blog about it as it relates to the Tuesday lecture

Monday 29 October:
screening of Couple in a Cage & discussion about "Culture in Action". Bring one question and one comment in your notebook.

Tuesday 30 October 7pm:
Mary Jane Jacob lecture in
Arnold M. Grant Auditorium

Wednesday 31 October:
HW: study for Grammar Slammer test
BLOG: Post your subject matter for essay 3 with the following components:
1-CHOOSE the art project your essay will be about
2-TWO questions you have about the project
3-LIST of 4 books or articles (no internet resources) about your subject. You may edit this list later, but for now, you want to investigate the range of possibilities. You don't need to read or print them yet, but you do need to indicate title of the article, journal title, and author.

Thursday 1 November, 12 noon:

Friday 2 November:
BLOG HW: Post an outline for your essay with:
1-TOPIC SENTENCE for each paragraph, in order of appearance. Before you write your topic sentence, make sure you have decided WHAT QUESTION IS THE PARAGRAPH ADDRESSING? Note that each paragraph doesn't need to literally ask a question (you may not have a question mark in sight), nor does it need to literally answer a question, but a question, conundrum, dilemma, or complexity should be at the heart of each paragraph. Can you work with the questions from your last blog entry?
2-2 versions of the THESIS, for beginning and end of your essay. Don't just reword it. HOW WILL IT EVOLVE?
3-ONE QUOTE from 2 of the journals and the 2 textbooks that you plan to use. By this point you should have started reading and reviewing your sources for the essay.

29 October 2007

Bunnies, Elephants, Kids

In class today, Alyssa mentioned the new documentary My Kid Could Paint That. It's a common thing people say when they don't understand the origins of abstract art. Here is the movie trailer about a little girl who's gotten attention for her scribble paintings. LINK

KOMAR and MELAMID are an artist duo interested in questions about what the art world values. They did a piece where they created the "most wanted" paintings for different countries, based on surveys and poll statistics. Here is a link to info about their support of ELEPHANT ART.

And finally, here is a link to the artist who made the transgenic bunny, EDUARDO KAC.

humans on display

In case you were thinking that the "Couple in a Cage" premise was out of date...
I went to the NY State Fair in early September and made a special visit to the "freak show" booths at the midway. The painted signs outside each stand and the recorded carney voices were the most prominent features. Inside, these human displays had sloppy, effortless exhibits with hazy lighting and covered in dust. Somehow the presentions' nonchalance only served to enhance their offensive premise.

26 October 2007

Mary Jane Jacob lecture

I just learned that Mary Jane Jacob is giving a lecture at 7pm on Tuesday in Grant
Auditorium. She is the curator who chose all the projects in the art show that Kwon writes
about in the reading for Sunday.

If you are able to attend, you may POSTPONE your blog entry to Thursday at 12 noon.
Instead of the original assignment, write about this event as it relates to the reading. If
you decide to do this, you will still need to read for class on Monday.
Even if you choose to do the regular blog entry for Sunday, you could use this lecture as
a resource for your essay. It could be one of your outside sources, instead of or in
addition to, a book or journal.

Those who can't attend will have their blog entries due at the same time, on Sunday.

This is a really great coincidence that matches perfectly with the reading and essay 3,
so I want to encourage you all to go!


Making Space for Art
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
7:00 pm in the Arnold M. Grant Auditorium

Mary Jane Jacob will talk about her projects that encompass artistic, curatorial, public,
and community practices.

Considered a nonconformist among U.S. curators, Jacob has organized such innovative
exhibitions as Places with a Past in Charleston (1991), Culture in Action in
Chicago (1993), Conversations at The Castle in Atlanta (1996), and Evoking History
in Charleston (2001-present). She recently co-edited Buddha Mind in Contemporary
Art (University of California Press, 2004). http://www.maryjanejacob.org/

24 October 2007

more links related to Wednesday's discussion

blackpeopleloveus.com was made by white artists Chelsea and Jonah Peretti
blackness for sale on ebay was made by black artists Keith and Mendi Obadike
Adrian Piper - Calling Cards
Damali Ayo - Rent-a-negro

17 October 2007

week 9: CAE, Piper, Ayo, Kashmere

Sunday 21 October 6 PM BLOG: READ pages 37-46 of "Video and Resistance: Against Documentary" in The Electronic Disturbance by Critical Art Ensemble. (First full paragraph on page 4 to end of page 13 in PDF). LINK to PDF
WRITE: Briefly summarize the authors' (it's an artist group) claims (5 sentences or less). Compare these views to those of Sontag from earlier this semester. LOOK UP and POST an image from one of the projects mentioned in the article: Nanook of the North, Piss Christ, Lumiere Bros., or Birth of a Nation.

Monday 21 October: screening of Jeremy Deller's The Battle of Orgreave and discussion on "Video and Resistance"

Wednesday 23 October: HW: READ Adrian Piper's "Notes on Funk" in Participation 130-134. How does this project compare with artist Damali Ayo's "National Day of Panhandling for Reparations" (check out the YouTube video on her site). How does each project engage the audience in participation? How does each project raise issues about race and racism? We will have a discussion about these questions. WRITE IN YOUR NOTEBOOK: one comment and one ANALYTICAL QUESTION. Note that Piper's work is also discussed in our previous readings from Kester.

Friday 25 October: visiting filmmaker BRETT KASHMERE!
HW: Read a review of his film, Valery's Ankle. LINK

writing workshop: using sources to ask questions

"Now mining sites and contaminated harbors and river bottoms are an increasingly large part of the Superfund budget. The tax has no connection with these sites. Superfund is the cleanup party of last resort - a government function properly paid for by taxpayers." (Marianne Lamont Horinko, assistant administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency)

"A corporation's job is to make money, and when you have an expensive long-term capital investment like cleaning up Superfund sites and no one is standing there asking you to do it, then you don't spend the money on it," said Rena Steinzor, an environmental law professor at the University of Maryland who helped write the Superfund reauthorization amendments in 1986 when she was a congressional staffer.

13 October 2007


Sunday 14 October 6pm BLOG: Meet with your group to swap the writing feedback and take photos of the lake. POST revision of your paper based on peer feedback and the article from Writing Analytically.

Monday 15 October: Screening of documentary about Onondaga Lake. mid-term instructor evaluations.

Wednesday 17 October: writing workshop. Bring 1 printed copy of the freewriting exercise from Writing Analytically in Chapter 12.

Friday 19 October: ESSAY 2 REVISION DUE IN TOLLEY 301 OFFICE BY 5 PM. Please make sure to include all elements of the portfolio as indicated in the handout I distributed during our writing conferences. Place all materials in a folder or envelope with your name clearly marked on the outside.

08 October 2007

mid-term writing conferences

Meet in Tolley 205. Please be ON TIME so that other people's appointments don't get backed up.

Bring to the meeting:
- at least 1 new resource (book, article, website) that you will be using for your
revision. You can link to websites on your blog but online journals need to be printed.
- the library worksheet about evaluating sources, applied to one of your resources (it should be a JOURNAL article)

3:15 Jason
4:00 Lauren J.
4:15 Sam
5:00 Courtney
5:15 Claire
5:30 Rick

9:30 Tim
9:45 Deanna
10:00 Nick
10:15 Mike
10:30 Amy
11:00 Caryn
11:15 Cristina
11:30 Rachael
11:45 Matt
12:00 Pierson
12:15 Stephanie
12:30 Alyssa
12:45 Justin
1:00 Max
1:30 Jordan
1:45 Lauren G.
2:30 Zack
3:45 Blair

04 October 2007

citations continued

Use either italics or underlining throughout your essay for the titles of longer works and, only when absolutely necessary, providing emphasis.

How to cite articles from on-line databases LINK

01 October 2007

weeks 6-7: library , essay 2

Monday 1 October: library session about databases
HW: blog about cultural event by 6pm on Sunday the 30th

Wednesday 3 October: in-class review of Kester from last week
I will return the quizzes and we will talk about some art projects.


1) Post a narrative synopsis (written paragraph with full sentences) of the Christian Science Monitor article (see link below under essay 2 links). Make it good enough to use in your essay for next Monday.

List the key points you plan to address in your essay. This is not a thesis, it is a synopsis of the article, to which you will respond in later drafts of your work. It is difficult to have good IDEAS about the issues if you haven’t gathered information yet. You can wait to write a thesis after you have done some research.

2) Make a link to at least one on-line resource that you think might be relevant for background information for your paper. Make a hyperlink that you can click. Check Blogger HELP for info on how to do this if you don't know how. In Firefox, the picture-icon in the "compose" function of the "edit posts" will allow you to do it.

4-6 October - SU Human Rights Film Festival - RECOMMENDED, but no longer required

Friday 5 October:
Back in the library 046.
HW: Print and bring one peer-reviewed periodical resource for your paper about Onondaga Lake from a DATABASE search (covered on Monday), and bring it to class. Highlight at least two passages that seem notable for your paper.

Monday 8 October: Library 046: evaluating sources
HW: ESSAY 2 DUE - BRING enough COPIES for your group members and FHT.
Make sure you have the right formatting and check MLA style guides!
Sign up for writing conference times.

Wednesday 10 October: writing conferences with Fereshteh
We will not meet as a group. Bring a new reference that you might use in the revision of your paper (book, article, etc) to the meeting, along with the article evaluation sheet from the library. Note changed assignment.

Friday 12 October: No class, Eid
HW: Mark your peer's essay with comments and questions.
Meet with your group over the weekend to review your essays and to get photos if you have not done so already. Discuss how you will print and share the photos.

Sunday 14 October: 6PM BLOG
Post a revision of your paper, based on comments from your group and the article from Writing Analytically (to be distributed). These should be about content, meaning, analysis, and organization, not just spelling and style.