30 September 2007

Phobia+Dialogic Art

Since many of you attended the lecture about Phobia at the library the other day, I thought I'd post the video about a related dialogic art project.

28 September 2007

essay 2 links

Christian Science Monitor article The Christian Science Monitor is a well-respected international newspaper from a U.S. perspective. It includes a daily religious feature, but focuses primarily on secular news coverage.
Superfund 365 - internet art/science project It will feature Onondaga Lake on Day 78. Also with good links.
EPA Superfund site The Environmental Protection Agency is a federal government organization.
Onondaga Lake Partnership Lots of good information here.
Onondaga Lake Park - the county parks website
campaign to restore polluters pay tax

Artists and projects with an environmental focus:
Gardening Superfund Sites
Tiffany Holmes
Ann Rosenthal
Keepers of the Waters - Betsy Damon
Artists Placement Group
California Wash - Helen and Newton Harrison
Lost River Walks - Toronto
Green Museum
Green Arts
Andrea Polli

26 September 2007

Cultural Event Blog :: updated list

I added 2 new possibilities but there are still only 6 things eligible for your blog
entry due Monday 30 September, 6pm.

You must spend at least ONE HOUR at one of the cultural happenings from the list.

You will write a DETAILED synopsis as well as a CRITICAL ANALYSIS, using the methods from your essays (NOTICE AND FOCUS, DEVELOPING AN IDEA, 10 ON 1).

PLAN AHEAD, as I will not accept any excuses for the fact that something came up at the last minute.

Thu 27 Sept, 4 pm
Phobia: Collecting in the History of Fear, Bird Library, Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (1st floor)
A lecture about fear in the U.S. and the Sacco and Venzetti mural at SU.

Sat 29 Sept: Central New York Anti-War Rally in Syracuse
1:00 - 2:00 PM Rally at the Everson plaza in downtown Syracuse
2:30 PM March begins to Syracuse University
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Rally at Syracuse University (music at 3:30 pm)
7:30 Evening Panel at Hendricks Chapel (Syracuse University)
Jimmy Massey: pro-soldier, anti-war activist, one of the founding members of Iraq
Veterans Against the War.
Dahlia Wasfi: spent her early childhood in Saddam Hussein's Iraq
Scott Ritter: a chief United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998

NEW ELIGIBLE ITEM: Faith Ringgold exhibit
Community Folk Art Center, Tue-Fri 10-5, Sat 11-5
Suggested admission is $5. But you can go for free.

NEW ELIGIBLE ITEM: SUNDAY September 30, 2PM, $8-10
Abolitionist's Amble - Onondaga Historical Association.
Take a walk through Syracuse 's abolitionist past including Jerry Rescue Monument

NEW ELIGIBLE ITEM: Write a letter to the editor of The Daily Orange about the Astria
Suparak situation at the Warehouse Gallery (this will also serve as the blog entry)

Homework : Friday the 28th

Of the artists and projects Kester discusses, find a book in the library and MAKE A COPY of:
• 1 image of an art work that would be classified as dialogic
• 1 image from an art work that would be classified as avant-garde
Also Make a copy of the title page for each book.

Answer the following questions (your words. 5 sentences or less):
- Summarize Kester's argument about art and commodity.
- Why is Chapter 2 called "The Eyes of the Vulgar"?
- What is semantic labor?
- What do Fry, Bell, Greenberg, and Fried, and Melville have to do with the thesis of Kester's book?
- According to the Harrisons, what is "conversational drift"?

Meet in the Electronic Training Center Room 046 (go in front door and downstairs)

24 September 2007

The Yes Men and The Warehouse Gallery

People all over the world are asking:
Why was a Warehouse/SU show about artist group The Yes Men canceled at the last minute?
Why was the curator fired?

The Yes Men LINK
letters of support for The Warehouse LINK

21 September 2007

Essay 1 revision

For Monday, bring your 1st version of the essay along with the new version that incorporates your revisions based on my feedback and peer feedback. AM CLASS: don't forget the extra paragraphs I forgot to collect on WED.

Remember, for this version I'm asking it to be CUT.
It should be no longer than 2.5 pages, single-spaced.


Some things everyone should work on:

-the strongest introductions use a specific example or detail from observations of the website or your field visits to Armory Square
-10 on 1 - quality is better than quantity
-What is your THESIS? Can you even find it?
-MAKE AN OUTLINE for your paper before rushing in!
-Does each paragraph support the thesis?
-Is the transition from your writing to quotes from Barthes easy for the reader to follow?

19 September 2007

The Warehouse Gallery

Lots of people are talking about changes happening at The Warehouse Gallery LINK

integrating quotations

Integrate Quotations from Outside Sources - from Dennis G. Jerz, who writes:
Spend fewer words introducing your sources, and devote more words to expressing and developing your own ideas in ways that use shorter quotations, or even just a few words, from your outside sources. LINK to examples and more info.

Quotations of 4 or more lines are considered long, and must be indented in MLA style (2 tabs).

18 September 2007

citing sites

Name of Site. Date of Posting/Revision. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the
site(sometimes found in copyright statements). Date you accessed the site [electronic address].

In-text citation should refer to a simplified version of the site name (Armory Square), and it will have no page number since websites don't have page numbers. Remember that the above is not properly indented because I can't do that on this blog.

MLA in-text citation LINK
MLA works cited for electronic sources LINK

17 September 2007

week 4-5: writing revisions, Kester 2

Mon 17 Sept: SyracYOUse essay 1 due. 1 copy, printed. See assignment outline.
writing workshop: the thesis

Wed 19 Sept:
HW: Read "10 on 1" from Writing Analytically, which was distributed in class. Find a passage from your paper that you would like to revise using the methods outlined in the reading. It could be any paragraph or other section that needs work. Apply one of the "10 on 1" revision strategies to this passage. Bring 4 printed copies to class with your original passage followed by the revision you made. Do not bring copies of the entire essay.

RECOMMENDED EVENT eligible for blog:
Thurs 20 Sept, 12 noon (speakers begin at 3 pm)
Onondaga Lake Park, Liverpool (free shuttles to run from SU)
Roots of Peacemaking: Indigenous Values, Global Crisis
An International Day of Peace at the birthplace of democracy
Haudenosaunee traditional foods, artisans, speakers, music and dancing, plus water ceremony
LINK - http://rootsofpeacemaking.syr.edu or 315-443-3861

Fri 21 Sept:
No HW, work on your paper. Meet at the Sheraton Hotel, 2nd floor. We will be attending a panel at the SU Minority Studies conference.

RECOMMENDED EVENT (not eligible for blog):
Sat 23 Sept: Westcott Street Cultural Fair LINK

Mon 24 Sept: SyracYOUse essay 1 revision

RECOMMENDED EVENT eligible for blog:
Tues 25 Sept, 7:30 PM - Onondaga Land Rights meeting
The Warehouse, Fayette and West St. (Connective Corridor shuttle from SU)
Hear an update on the Onondaga Land Rights Action which will be heard in Federal District Court in Albany on October 11.
Speakers: Onondaga Chief Jake Edwards, Tim Coulter, Executive Director of the Montana-based Indian Law Resource Center and one of the lawyers representing the Onondagas in their Land Rights Action and Joan Cope Savage, environmental scientist and member of NOON.

Wed 26 Sept:
READING: KESTER CHAPTER 2 and QUIZ on Kester (intro, ch.1, ch.2)

RECOMMENDED EVENT eligible for blog:
Thu 27 Sept: Phobia: Collecting in the History of Fear
4 pm Bird Library, Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (1st floor)

Fri 28 Sept: Library Visit 1. Meet at the Electronic Training Center, Bird Library.

RECOMMENDED EVENT eligible for blog:
Sat 29 Sept: Central New York Anti-War Rally in Syracuse. LINK

Sun 30 Sept, 6 pm
BLOG entry due : Cultural Event (please see complete list below)

Cultural Event Blog

BLOG for Monday 30 September, 6pm: Attend one of the following events and write a synopsis of the event
as well as your critical analysis. PLAN AHEAD, as I will not accept any excuses for the fact that something came up at
the last minute.

Tues 18 Sept, Watson Auditorium
What is Queer Visual Culture? Professor Roger Hallas of SU's English department will discuss what exactly constitutes
queer visual culture and why it has been so critical to LGBT identities and communities.

Wed 19 Sept, Warehouse Auditorium
Stella Betts and David Leven: Lecture on the recent work of Leven Betts Architecture Studio

Thurs 20 Sept, Warehouse Community Classroom, COME ON artist talks
2pm: Juliet Jacobson, artist talk
3pm: Rachel Rampleman, artist talk
You need to stay for the whole lecture, attend one or both

Thurs 20 Sept, The Warehouse Gallery, 5-8 pm
This is an art opening for COME ON: Desire Under The Female Gaze that includes a reception with food and you can take
a guided tour (optional). If you choose this event, please spend at least 1 hour there.

COME ON presents art about sexuality women artists who employ diverse media, including large-scale drawing, video installation,
text work and ephemeral sculpture. COME ON reveals what is not represented in popular culture and provides a counterbalance
to the ubiquitous imagery of sexualized female bodies created for mainstream heterosexual male sensibilities.

Thurs 20 Sept, 12 noon (speakers begin at 3 pm)
Onondaga Lake Park, Liverpool (free shuttles to run from SU)
Roots of Peacemaking: Indigenous Values, Global Crisis
An International Day of Peace at the birthplace of democracy
Haudenosaunee traditional foods, artisans, speakers, music and dancing, plus water ceremony
http://rootsofpeacemaking.syr.edu or 315-443-3861

Tues 25 Sept, 7:30 PM, The Warehouse Gallery - Onondaga Land Rights meeting
Hear an update on the Onondaga Land Rights Action that will be heard in Federal District Court in Albany on October
11. Speakers: Onondaga Chief Jake Edwards, Tim Coulter, Executive Director of the Montana-based Indian Law
Resource Center and one of the lawyers representing the Onondagas in their Land Rights Action and Joan Cope
Savage, environmental scientist and member of NOON (Neighbors of Onondaga Nation).

Thu 27 Sept, 4 pm
Phobia: Collecting in the History of Fear, Bird Library, Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (1st floor)
A lecture about the Sacco and Venzetti mural at SU and the library archives

Sat 29 Sept: Central New York Anti-War Rally in Syracuse
1:00 - 2:00 PM Rally at the Everson plaza in downtown Syracuse
2:30 PM March begins to Syracuse University
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Rally at Syracuse University (music at 3:30 pm)
7:30 Evening Panel at Hendricks Chapel (Syracuse University)
Jimmy Massey: pro-soldier, anti-war activist, one of the founding members of Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Dahlia Wasfi: spent her early childhood in Saddam Hussein's Iraq
Scott Ritter: a chief United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998

14 September 2007

Barthes citation and your roughs

Some of you have given me a writing sample for review. If anyone else
has something they'd like me to look at, you have by 6pm on Saturday to
submit by email, and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner.
This would be something like a rough draft, as your essay submitted on
Monday should be a finished, revised piece. Have your friends and dorm
mates read over it for understanding and typos. Even if they haven't
been to Armory Square or visited the website, can they learn something
from your piece?

and formatting requirements from the handout.

Since you will be citing Barthes, you will need to know the information
about the edition of the photocopy I gave you in order to do the MLA

Barthes, Roland. "The Blue Guide." Mythologies. 1957. Trans. Annette
Lavers. 1972. Ed. New York: Hill and Wang, 2001. 74-77.

Armory Square on the internet

The goal of the first essay assignment is to analyze the contradictions between real places and their representations. The goal is not to critique Armory Square as a place (it's sooo quiet), or to critique the websites for being badly designed or inaccurate (I couldn't find any useful information). To do this, you will need to focus on giving us EVIDENCE:

When you reference the website, quote directly from their images and their copy (written text). Tell me what you are looking at. Is it a picture of a fresh salmon steak? Describe it. Then explain why you think it is on the website and why it's important to your IDEA. You will use formal citations in MLA style to quote a website.

When you reference your visits to Armory Square, specify which street you were on, what building you were standing in front of, what time it was, what kind of people were there, the smells in the air, the sounds of the city, if it was raining and people had umbrellas. Take us there!

Some of you may have discovered that there are other materials about Armory Square on the web and links to other websites. These include:
and websites for individual businesses, such as the Landmark Theater LINK

You may reference other websites about Armory Square only if you are making a comparison or setting up a contrast. The purpose of this essay is to set up a focused analysis, not a sweeping review.

video interview with Binh Danh


12 September 2007

Citation Style Guide

You will use the MLA citation style for all essays this semester. LINK

10 September 2007

SyracYOUse assignment outline

The assignment outline: LINK to PDF. This important fact was omitted: essay length = 3-4 pages
It will help to read this again for Wednesday as you review "The Blue Guide" essay, and before you go to Armory Square.

Don't forget the GRAMMAR SLAMMER starts this week!
We will have grammar test in-class in about 7 weeks.

09 September 2007

234 Weeks (4.5 years) DEAD

The New York Times has a photo spread similar to the one appropriated by Binh Danh from the 1969 Life Magazine article. As of 8 September 2007, there were 3,771 Americans dead in the Iraq War, and an estimated 75,000 civilian Iraqi deaths.
LINK to Iraq Body Count
LINK to the New York Times data visualization
LINK to Iraq War Coalition fatalities and HERE

Syracuse is hosting the central New York anti-war rally on Saturday 29 September. LINK

04 September 2007

Grammar Slammer schedule

Details about the Grammar Slammer: LINK HERE
6 weeks beginning 10 September
7 pm in Crouse-Hinds 010 on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday. Required for all Newhouse students and recommended for others. We will have a test in class after the Grammar Slammer is complete.

02 September 2007

Levine and Duchamp

Sherrie Levine and Marcel Duchamp's Fountain pieces. See more about these artists in the links to the right, under "PEOPLE".