17 September 2007

Cultural Event Blog

BLOG for Monday 30 September, 6pm: Attend one of the following events and write a synopsis of the event
as well as your critical analysis. PLAN AHEAD, as I will not accept any excuses for the fact that something came up at
the last minute.

Tues 18 Sept, Watson Auditorium
What is Queer Visual Culture? Professor Roger Hallas of SU's English department will discuss what exactly constitutes
queer visual culture and why it has been so critical to LGBT identities and communities.

Wed 19 Sept, Warehouse Auditorium
Stella Betts and David Leven: Lecture on the recent work of Leven Betts Architecture Studio

Thurs 20 Sept, Warehouse Community Classroom, COME ON artist talks
2pm: Juliet Jacobson, artist talk
3pm: Rachel Rampleman, artist talk
You need to stay for the whole lecture, attend one or both

Thurs 20 Sept, The Warehouse Gallery, 5-8 pm
This is an art opening for COME ON: Desire Under The Female Gaze that includes a reception with food and you can take
a guided tour (optional). If you choose this event, please spend at least 1 hour there.

COME ON presents art about sexuality women artists who employ diverse media, including large-scale drawing, video installation,
text work and ephemeral sculpture. COME ON reveals what is not represented in popular culture and provides a counterbalance
to the ubiquitous imagery of sexualized female bodies created for mainstream heterosexual male sensibilities.

Thurs 20 Sept, 12 noon (speakers begin at 3 pm)
Onondaga Lake Park, Liverpool (free shuttles to run from SU)
Roots of Peacemaking: Indigenous Values, Global Crisis
An International Day of Peace at the birthplace of democracy
Haudenosaunee traditional foods, artisans, speakers, music and dancing, plus water ceremony
http://rootsofpeacemaking.syr.edu or 315-443-3861

Tues 25 Sept, 7:30 PM, The Warehouse Gallery - Onondaga Land Rights meeting
Hear an update on the Onondaga Land Rights Action that will be heard in Federal District Court in Albany on October
11. Speakers: Onondaga Chief Jake Edwards, Tim Coulter, Executive Director of the Montana-based Indian Law
Resource Center and one of the lawyers representing the Onondagas in their Land Rights Action and Joan Cope
Savage, environmental scientist and member of NOON (Neighbors of Onondaga Nation).

Thu 27 Sept, 4 pm
Phobia: Collecting in the History of Fear, Bird Library, Peter Graham Scholarly Commons (1st floor)
A lecture about the Sacco and Venzetti mural at SU and the library archives

Sat 29 Sept: Central New York Anti-War Rally in Syracuse
1:00 - 2:00 PM Rally at the Everson plaza in downtown Syracuse
2:30 PM March begins to Syracuse University
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Rally at Syracuse University (music at 3:30 pm)
7:30 Evening Panel at Hendricks Chapel (Syracuse University)
Jimmy Massey: pro-soldier, anti-war activist, one of the founding members of Iraq Veterans Against the War.
Dahlia Wasfi: spent her early childhood in Saddam Hussein's Iraq
Scott Ritter: a chief United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998

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