01 October 2007

weeks 6-7: library , essay 2

Monday 1 October: library session about databases
HW: blog about cultural event by 6pm on Sunday the 30th

Wednesday 3 October: in-class review of Kester from last week
I will return the quizzes and we will talk about some art projects.


1) Post a narrative synopsis (written paragraph with full sentences) of the Christian Science Monitor article (see link below under essay 2 links). Make it good enough to use in your essay for next Monday.

List the key points you plan to address in your essay. This is not a thesis, it is a synopsis of the article, to which you will respond in later drafts of your work. It is difficult to have good IDEAS about the issues if you haven’t gathered information yet. You can wait to write a thesis after you have done some research.

2) Make a link to at least one on-line resource that you think might be relevant for background information for your paper. Make a hyperlink that you can click. Check Blogger HELP for info on how to do this if you don't know how. In Firefox, the picture-icon in the "compose" function of the "edit posts" will allow you to do it.

4-6 October - SU Human Rights Film Festival - RECOMMENDED, but no longer required

Friday 5 October:
Back in the library 046.
HW: Print and bring one peer-reviewed periodical resource for your paper about Onondaga Lake from a DATABASE search (covered on Monday), and bring it to class. Highlight at least two passages that seem notable for your paper.

Monday 8 October: Library 046: evaluating sources
HW: ESSAY 2 DUE - BRING enough COPIES for your group members and FHT.
Make sure you have the right formatting and check MLA style guides!
Sign up for writing conference times.

Wednesday 10 October: writing conferences with Fereshteh
We will not meet as a group. Bring a new reference that you might use in the revision of your paper (book, article, etc) to the meeting, along with the article evaluation sheet from the library. Note changed assignment.

Friday 12 October: No class, Eid
HW: Mark your peer's essay with comments and questions.
Meet with your group over the weekend to review your essays and to get photos if you have not done so already. Discuss how you will print and share the photos.

Sunday 14 October: 6PM BLOG
Post a revision of your paper, based on comments from your group and the article from Writing Analytically (to be distributed). These should be about content, meaning, analysis, and organization, not just spelling and style.

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