26 August 2007

buying books

You are welcome to purchase books on-line or anywhere else. If you choose to do this, I encourage you to place the order right away, at the latest by the end of business (5 pm) on Monday. You MUST choose a delivery option that ensures that your books arrive by Wednesday September 5th.

I will not make allowances for anyone who does not have their books on
time, as you will still be responsible for any assigned readings.

Also keep in mind that sometimes shipping costs make it so that a used
book delivered by mail is not always the bargain it appears to be at
first glance.

Here is the list of titles:

Conversation Pieces: Community and Communication in Modern Art by
Grant H. Kester

Participation edited by Claire Bishop

One Place after Another: Site-Specific Art and Locational Identity
Miwon Kwon

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